Hematocrit and body temperature values in bovines positive and negative to Babesia spp from two livestock establishments from General Jose Maria Bruguez District, Presidente Hayes Department in the year 2021





Babesia spp, bovines, blood smear, hematocrit, body temperature


The aim of this study was to evaluate the hematocrit and body temperature values of bovines that tested positive and negative to Babesia spp from two livestock establishments. For this purpose, the blood of 79 bovines with no distinction of sex or breed, older than 2 years of age was evaluated by the blood smear and Giemsa staining; 24 of which resulted positive to Babesia spp and 55 resulted negative. Once the blood samples were obtained, they were sent refrigerated in sterile tubes with anticoagulant EDTA for the hemoparasites observation and hematocrit medition in the Parasitology laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, from the Universidad Nacional de Asuncion. The following results were obtained: the hematocrit means were found within the reference interval in both positive and negative subjects, with no significant differences being found when comparing both groups (p= 0,27), with the hematocrit value resulting higher in positives than in negatives. On the other hand, the temperature means were found above the reference interval in both positive and negative subjects, with significant differences being found when comparing both groups (p= 0,04), with the temperature resulting higher in negatives than in positives.


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How to Cite

Seall Zavala L, Szwako A, Pedrozo Prieto R. Hematocrit and body temperature values in bovines positive and negative to Babesia spp from two livestock establishments from General Jose Maria Bruguez District, Presidente Hayes Department in the year 2021. Rev. Soc. cient. Py. [Internet]. 2023 May 31 [cited 2024 May 18];28(1):113-25. Available from: https://sociedadcientifica.org.py/ojs/index.php/rscpy/article/view/301



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