«Women Doing Science in Paraguay – Profiles» is the translation of the second part of the book «Mujeres Hacen Ciencia en Paraguay».
These profiles were extracted from the resume of women scientists, paraguayan and foreign, who are categorized into the Nacional Researchs Incentive Program (PRONII). The intention is to know who these women are. What area of science do they perform? And where are they?
¨This work by Luis Dávalos, wants to make known the woman who does science in the country by disclosing her profiles and emphasizing her chores. Women doing science in Paraguay, points out an overwhelming majority of young researchers, who only open hope in a year where a future paradigm shift is imminent and ensures the development of science and technology, through the generation of knowledge and applications of public utility, by having the capacity of half of the country’s scientists.¨ (Antonieta Rojas de Arias – Scientific Society of Paragauy – President)
¨The analysis of existing and publicly accessible information allows to identify each one of the national researchers categorized and know what they do, in what area they work and what their main academic background is. It is the first time that such a presentation has been made at the country level for women scientists, and this initiative will allow us to create metrics that will help us maintain and improve the participation of women in the different spaces of Paraguayan society.¨ (Alberto Yanosky – Scientist)